National Manual updated

The National Manual is a great tool, and it's available for everyone to access.

Why was the National Manual created?
Created after settlement of STONZ first collective agreement, the purpose of the National Manual was to document the agreed national processes, procedures and resources for the deployment and administrative support of Resident Medical Officers (RMOs) at the (then) 20 District Health Boards (DHBs).

Who uses it?
RMO Units regularly refer to the manual to assist their work supporting/rostering/managing the RMO journey for STONZ Members.

RMOs themselves can refer to the manual for detailed interpretations of the SECA that include helpful worked examples.

And the STONZ Support Team reference sections of the manual when liaising with districts to help resolve RMO queries/issues.

What does it contain?
For each section of the collective agreement the National Manual holds the agreed interpretation of the clauses involved, FAQs and worked examples of its application.  For example, the section for clause 10.8.2 includes a listing of items reimbursable under the clause, along with worked examples things such as computer equipment, which is grossed up for tax purposes (meaning that an amount higher than cost is deducted from your balance).

Section 2: General Information - is a great resource for those starting out on their RMO Journey and those new to RMO Units or support services.  It gives an overview of the journey, providing useful information on Runs, Allocations and the Annual recruitment cycle.  Along with explaining the function of the RMO unit and includes a handy list of commonly used terms and acronyms.

How often is it updated?
Following the settlement of a new collective agreement (or variation), STONZ Support Team and Te Whatu RMO unit representatives get together to work through each section that requires an update and work towards an agreed interpretation.  The drafted changes are them submitted to the decision-makers at each organisation for final sign-off before being published.

This time around there is still a couple of sections we are working through as (no surprises), there are a few things we don’t agree on. But we are getting there, and where there is non-agreement, this is highlighted in the manual.

So, if you’re wondering about the interpretation of a new/updated clause in the SECA?  Or wanting a reminder of how tax is applied to computer equipment under 10.8.2? 

Check out the relevant section in the manual for a full explanation and worked examples.  If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for, reach out to our team, we’re here to help.  


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