Thank you to everyone who has already completed the survey!
At the time of writing, we’d received 393 responses (we had 652 to our last negotiations survey), and we’re keen to share some initial results with you.
From the responses so far, we see that RMO workforce, resourcing and access to education and teaching are still a big concern. This is coupled within continuing challenges around compliance and interestingly most members who have reported late roster publication have not received the penalty payment of $75 per day. We’ll investigate the data further and follow this up – and if you were one of the respondents, please get in touch if you are having trouble accessing this from your District.
Given the current industrial landscape we’ll be watching this closely. The survey results so far indicate a strong willingness to support industrial action if a fair pay offer is not tabled as part of our next contract. There have been a lot of comments so far that indicate a preference to try and achieve the best deal possible without having to strike, due to the implications on training and salary – however, despite this, overwhelmingly respondents so far are prepared to strike if needed.
It is really important that we get a good response to this survey - we use the information gathered in the Negotiations survey to advocate for change and create our claims document for bargaining. That’s why we have decided to leave the survey open a while longer so that you can complete the survey and share your thoughts with us. We need to ensure we receive a balanced view of the issues/concerns across our entire membership base, across different specialties and districts to inform our work and direction.
Early next year we’ll close the survey, and our Executive will meet to discuss/plan our strategy for the next negotiations, we’ll have sessions with Delegates as the year progresses and by the next AGM in August 2025, we plan to have the draft claims document sorted and ready to share with members.
We will keep the survey open until mid-January, so if you’re yet to respond, please check your emails and if you can’t find the link, email and we’ll re-send it.